The Way In Cover SIDE The Way In Cover SIDE

Plot Summary

THE WAY IN by W.C. Fipke - Plot summary                                 Jan.5, 2017


I) Jesus is formed from dust and is the incarnation of the star Polaris. He experiences the womb, birth, circumcision, and being an infant and a toddler close to Mother Mary. As a young child in Alexandria he plays with other young children at the papyrus paper factory where his mother works and he picks up other languages from the multi lingual community and becomes adept at learning new tongues. His father Joseph builds ships as a carpenter. Jesus gets a pet dog, Saffron, and begins to learn the ways of other animals. He becomes a brilliant student of the teacher, Rabbi David, connected to the Library of Alexandria, and becomes proficient in reading codex and scrolls as well as being a page in the library.

II) When Jesus is nine his family returns to Judea leaving him in school under Rabbi David. He is friends with other students and discovers his talent for reading the eyes of others. His father Joseph has become a merchant marine small boat captain and visits along with Jesus' brother James and cousin Lazarus. Jesus takes a school break and goes to Crete with them. They sing songs and share Greek tales and the boys wrestle. At the labyrinth they play act Theseus battling the Minotaur. Dolphins call out to Jesus on the way back to Alexandria.

            At age 12 Jesus meets his family in Jerusalem and astonishes the rabbis with his knowledge. Joseph warns him to beware of some of the rabbi's teachings. Lazarus returns with Jesus to Alexandria and joins him in his studies. The two boys become adept riders and charioteers while training horses for Marcellus, a Roman official, who then hires Jesus to mentor his son and daughter and teach them Greek and Roman culture at the library. Jesus adores a talented young musician, Sara, who inspires him to take up playing the kitara lyre and composing songs. Marcellus takes Jesus and Lazarus up the Nile river to a meeting with the Nubian Queen. Marcellus hints that Jesus has a secret Roman patron.

III) For his Bar Mitzvah Jesus takes on the role of a wrestler with the angels of god like Jacob. The interpretation of the ten commandments that Jesus commits to is unorthodox and foreshadows his later teachings.

IV) Marcellus takes Lazarus as a charioteer and Jesus as a wrestler to the Olympic Games in Greece where they win. The young men tour Greece and visit the spa of the healer god Asclepius to learn medical arts as well as going to Delphi to visit the oracle. Jesus' dog Saffron dies. Later, Marcellus takes them to Rome, where Lazarus loses a chariot race to Tiberius but Jesus triumphs over Augustus' favorite wrestler. The next day at the palace, Tiberius claims that Lazarus is a bastard son of his and that Jesus is a bastard son of Augustus. The Emperor declares that the two must prove themselves worthy sons by going on a trading mission to the heart of Africa,

V) While Lazarus believes Tiberius, Jesus rejects the idea that Augustus is his real father. The sea captain Bonoba takes them along the coast of Africa until they reach the jungle lands of the Asante and the Guan. There they set up gold sluices and pay the locals iron tools as wages. Jesus begins preaching the way of the one true god. He sets up a temple of song where he leads the people in hymns that he has composed. More than a hundred women warriors, the Hausa, arrive and offer protection. A Prince Desmong of the Kong people visits and Jesus goes up country with him to visit his lands. They worship an angel god called Jah with child sacrifice. Jesus is able to end the practice by beating Prince Desmong in a wrestling match. He teaches them the true ways of the one god, Jah, and they build another temple of song. Returning to camp, Jesus learns that Lazarus has gone with a pygmy on a medicine quest to their lands about 3 months distance away. In the company of 2 other pygmies Jesus follows up the mighty Congo river. He meets bonobos and gorillas and then the little people, the efe, with Lazarus living among them. Lazarus has fallen in love with Umbee and wants to marry her. Fearing death if she carried his child, Umbee declines but offers him a present of a 10 year old bonobo, Nana, as an adopted daughter. When they return to camp they find their men all bewitched in love with the Hausa warrior women. When it is time to sail back only 10 men accompanied by their new wives are willing to go. Dolphins help corral fish to feed them along the way.

            Back in Rome they find Tiberius is the new Princeps as Augustus has died. Tiberius is delighted with their success and wants Lazarus to follow him but his mother, Livia, who was childless to her second husband Augustus, hates Jesus as a potential rival to her son Tiberius and wants him dead. Thwarting Livia's designs, Jesus and Lazarus escape in their ship and sail to Judea and Galilee.

VI) Jesus learns that his father Joseph has died and James is now family head. He uses some of his gold to buy an estate for his family. Mother Mary denies the story of Augustus and tells Jesus that his true father was the angel of god. His mother is keeping secrets from him. Jesus gets restless and decides to go on a friendship learning quest to the east. He wants first hand knowledge of some of the famous sages of the east. In Alexandria, he and Lazarus connect with Captain Bonoba who has changed his name to Philip. The true nature of Philip's wife, Noruba the warrior leads to a street battle and her death. Rabbi David and a pack of trained rats come to their rescue. David has uncovered secrets of how to communicate with rats and gives one, named Sam, to Jesus as a present. Rabbi David sends Jesus to his friends, Saul and Rachel on the Red Sea but Lazarus decides to part company because he wants to practice medicine and help his people.

            Saul takes Jesus up Mt. Sinai. Jesus has a dream vision of the bird angel Gabriel and is given two replacement tablets with two laws, Love God with all your heart and soul and second, love your neighbor as you would yourself. When he wakes up the angel is gone and there are no tablets. Saul directs Jesus towards his friend Lucinius in Jedda. Along the way dolphins help find pearls including one that is very large. Lucinius gives Jesus strong hashish and Jesus has a vision of riding a flying carpet over the pyramids. They travel up to Mecca where Jesus rebukes the pagan priests who have taken over Abraham's temple. They reject Jesus and he prophesizes about a new prophet who will kill them all. He leaves Lucinius with the parable of the lap dog to pass along to the followers of the future prophet. Back in Jedda he gives the pearl away to the man who would sell all, even his soul, to own it. Lucinius sends Jesus to his sister in law, Sheba, in Yemen.

VII) Sheba is a young, childless widow. She falls in love with Jesus and tries to seduce him by singing and dancing a version of the Song of Solomon. After his refusal she sends him in a small boat off to Muscat to visit her friends, the freed slaves, Aristes and Debante.

VIII) Jesus is accompanied by dolphins in his boat but is captured by evil pirates and taken to the island of Astola. He witnesses human sacrifices to Kali and Shiva but escapes that fate with the help of Sam.

            In Muscat he meets Aristes and Debante and learns the happiness in self sacrificing service to others. He next heads to Krokola near the mouth of the great Sindu river where Alexander the Great's fleet moored at the end of his Indus campaign. Along the way he learns of the Jain religion and about the Hindu re-incarnation faith. In Krokola Jesus connects with ex-patriot Greeks and Romans and performs as a musician and actor. He despairs when his pet Sam is swallowed by a snake. Jesus goes up river to meet a yogi master, Kalama, and he becomes a disciple. As a monk Jesus learns humility and meditation as well as physical yoga technique but after a while the roots of this way are revealed to be out of Kali and Shiva and some of Kalama's thoughts lack science. Jesus is shaping his beliefs as he goes.

IX) Jesus moves on and travels down the coast of India learning about Buddha. He goes to the famous Bodhi tree of enlightenment and learns more of Buddha's teachings. Jesus rejects re-incarnation at the root of the teaching and wanders along the Ganges, investigating other faiths like one centered on milk. Cities full of filth and false holy men seeking disciples put him off. A creepy man named Deap tries to rape Jesus but is fended off by quick wrestling moves.

X) Jesus sails to the island of Tamal (Ceylon), a garden of Eden and a place to learn from nature. He has a dream in which a tiger and a giant bird like angel talk with him. The angel tells Jesus that angels are a real ancient species of beings that are ten times as strong, ten times as intelligent and live ten times as long as men.

            From Tamal Jesus sails to the Maldive Islands and is taught by the elusive Queens and their cohorts, the Queen dolphins, about life under water as well as about angels. He learns that good fruit comes from good trees and good deeds come from good people. Dolphins tow Jesus towards Malaysia where he lands, crosses an isthmus and meets a sage named Sing. From this teacher Jesus learns the elements of and the stages of death transformation as well as aspects of the mushroom world.

XI) In Bankok, Thailand Jesus admires the grace and beauty of the people. He arrives at the shore of Lake Nanboon to meditate. There he meets an elephant logger named Natapong Phong and his daughter Niki Phong. Jesus falls in love and marries

Niki. Their passion is reflected in song. They have twins, a boy Adam, and a girl Eve and live in an eden paradise. Tragedy strikes in an instant with a deadly disease that takes his wife and children and leaves Jesus sick and despondent. Jesus has his faith shaken.

XII) Mourning at the Elephant burial grounds, Jesus meets a white tigress, Sheama. Sheama makes a direct mind to mind speaking connection. Sheama takes Jesus up the Mekong River, debating God as they travel and experience life on the river. Crossing a mountain pass they come to the Yangtze River and descend down into Sheama's homeland, China. Sheama is treated like royalty by the people and they are taken to the Emperor's palace at the capital, Chang An.

XIII) At the temple of heaven Jesus and Sheama meet the Jade Emperor, Guangwu. Jesus looks deeply into the Emperor's eyes and tells him that he will stay for one year as a Master of Ceremonies for the Arts and circus , to bring beauty and love to the court. Jesus learns from the chief sage, master Tao, all the books of kong qui (Confucius) as well as sayings and teachings of Laozi. Besides entertainment, Jesus provides Guangwu with advice and health suggestions. Sheama meets another tiger and mates with him. The Emperor rewards Jesus with a ship and crew, allowing Jesus to continue east, first to Japan. There he intervenes to stop the killing of dolphins before cruising northeast along the Aleutian Islands and then south along the west coast of North America.

XIV) Jesus stays with the Kwakutal aboriginal people in the village of Chief Dan while his boat and crew return to China. He befriends the shaman master of ceremonies, Laughing Loon, and is a musician at a big potlatch gift giving party. He witnesses a magic healing show and then ingests dried cactus flowers which bring on hallucinations. A few days later paddling along the coast in a canoe Jesus is nearly swept up into a tidal mallestrom whirlpool. The people have told him that the giant Thunderbirds are real and visit each year when the salmon run.

XV) A magnificent Thunderbird arrives and greets Jesus telepathically as the angel Gabriel. Jesus flies on the angels back. He is told about it's rare species characteristics, one flock led by Jah and the other led by Satan. Jah's goal is to bring animals including humans into higher consciousness. Gabriel is a Messenger Ambassador and takes Jesus to another angel, Quetzalcoatl, of Satan's flock, who has requested a meeting alone with Jesus.

XVI) Quetzalcoatl flies with Jesus on his back south towards his pyramid cities where people worship him as a god. Quetzalcoatl tells Jesus that he has angel blood on both sides, Jah from his mother Mary and Satan from the mother of his father Augustus. Jesus learns how to extend his own telepathic range of mind to mind communication. At a temple, he sees many people being sacrificed and their hearts eaten by Quetzalcoatl who tries to get Jesus to join him. Jesus engineers a revolt in the people's minds to overthrow and kill the dark angel; which they do, only to inflate one of their own as a replacement god. Jesus flees to the sea where dolphins take him to the Bahamas.

XVII) Jesus speaks telepathically with the angel Jah and through him learns of Jehovah God. Gabriel is sent to carry Jesus on a mission back to his people to warn them of Satan and to teach them the right way in.


XVIII) Beside the Red Sea Jesus encounters Essenes at the oasis of Ein Gedi - but they do not like his words. At the Jordan river Jesus is greeted by his cousin, John, known as the Baptist. Is Jesus the Messiah? He doesn't deny this but continues to Nazareth to see his mother Mary again after ten years. Jesus reunites with his family and his old friend Lazarus who still has Nana with him and now is married to Jesus's sister, Hanna. Lazarus tells a tale of his trip to Rome and then to The Druids In Western Europe. At the wedding of Jesus' brother Jude, Lazarus spikes the wine with liquor he has distilled and saves the day.

XIX) Jesus begins his ministry with the recruitment of 12 men and 12 women as disciples. His gospel has many of the deeds, teachings and sayings with further truths Jesus has learned in his travels and experiences. Jah speaks to him again and tells him of his other powers.

XX) Jesus teaches how to pray in a new Lord's prayer and experiences The Holy Spirit. He teaches a third commandment, Love your fellow animals and birds as you do mankind, and a fourth commandment, Imitate the Creator by Being Creative.

XXI) After the murder of John the Baptist, Jesus takes in his followers but tells them that he baptizes with the fire of his words. Jesus gives parables to the disciples.

XXII) Jesus sends out his disciples and extends his preaching adding communion with him through bread - my body my life, wine - my blood my heart, honey - my lips my kisses, milk - my words for other creatures, mushrooms - my dreams, and fish -my spirit swimming to others. Jesus rejects starting a violent rebellion against Rome. Be like little children. Let the person without sin cast the first stone.

XXIII) Jesus tells the parable of forgive the most, gain the most as well as the parable of the farmer laying up provisions in the wrong storehouse. He presents new festivals and gatherings to replace the traditional ones as well as new directions about numbers, money, preaching, donations and being a good samaritan.

XXIV) Rather than writing his words down, Jesus asks his disciples to listen and memorize and use the fire and light of the words. He teaches in Jerusalem and responds to doubters and critics - the messiah is cleansing the temple for its destruction and resurrection. New parables and new versions of old ones come.

XXV) From the Mount of Olives Jesus speaks of the end of days. The root of Judas' betrayal is revealed. The last supper and communion, songs on the walk to the garden of Gethsemane, meditation and dreams, Jesus is arrested. Then interrogation and trial of Jesus by the Sanhedrin, King Herod and the Romans.

XXVI) Jesus is beaten and crucified - it is done and he experiences death. We follow his journey and Jehovah's command AWAKEN comes in the tomb. Jesus is there with Lazarus and the angel Gabriel. Mary Magdalene comes and is sent to tell the others. Gabriel takes Jesus back to his mother Mary's home to recover. He appears to his disciples and Apostles explaining what has happened and the message they should spread using his eternal words of fire of life.

XXVII) Romans are hunting for Jesus and torturing his family and followers. Gabriel tells him he must take a group in a boat to the lands far to the West and establish a new nation there. Jesus says his farewells and leaves the 500 apostles on the mountain and rides Gabriel off to the coast where he and 11 others plus the bonobo, Nana, set sail. Gabriel guides them through the Mediterranean and into the Atlantic and a stop at the Canary Islands. Romance among the followers happens.

XXVIII) Gabriel takes homesick Nana back to her homeland, leaving the ship with dolphins as guides to cross the Atlantic and meet up again on the far shore. There they meet a guide, Teshote, provided by Gabriel to cross the jungle to the Pacific shore and then travel in canoes north to the new home. In the jungle the group take some jungle juice and have visions of the plant based mother earth. Past a giant mother tree they settle down in a Bay area and begin spreading their religion.

XXIX) Gabriel comes to the village and tells Jesus about a great battle between the angel flock of Satan and that of Jah. The great warrior angel Michael takes Jesus to the place where Satan has been captured and chained. Satan confronts Jesus claiming that Jehovah is a fiction invented by Jah angels. He mocks the powers of Jesus and he reveals his force as the black hole at the centre of the galaxy. Satan stages his escape and other angels are killed. With only a few angels left on either side, Michael and Gabriel say that Jesus and his followers must continue the war and take on the seeds of Satan in the minds of people and other creatures. All angels can do is act as heralds. They take Jesus to the angel Jah who gives a promise to Jesus.

XXX) The new nation grows slowly, with much resistance from the dark forces of Satan. The power of prayer gives courage and inspiration. Marriages and children come, including Jesus and Mary Magdelene with a daughter Astron and a son Issac. Magdelene works with dolphins and establishes a garden paradise. Lazarus grows old and suffers depression ending with his suicide. Jesus is taken by Michael back to Jerusalem to guide people away before the destruction of the temple and the Roman persecution. His daughter Astron accompanies on Gabriel's back as far as Scandinavia, where she meets and marries a king. Jesus and Michael swoop in at the Emperor Nero and condemn his mind to hell. Jesus rescues friends and followers and gives a message of hope of the new order. Michael gives John the Revelation. Jesus circles through the east retracing his previous journey.

            At the age of 125 Jesus is taken by the angel Jah to a barren island where Jah wrestles with Satan for control of Jesus. Jah loses and in rematches every 365 years until finally in 1948 Jah wins, the nation of Israel is reborn and the spirit of Jesus reaches out to inspire the world again.